Posted on August 10, 2018 in
The marijuana laws in Texas are notoriously strict, and even a misdemeanor possession charge could lead to jail time. Some may wonder whether these laws apply the same way to edibles, or food and beverages infused with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive compound found in marijuana. Several states, like California, Colorado and Washington, have decriminalized...
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Posted on July 2, 2018 in
Texas has one of the highest death rates due to drunk driving of any state. While drivers get behind the wheel intoxicated throughout the year, some holidays and other major events tend to plead to more drunk drivers on the road. During these time periods, the state of Texas holds “No Refusal” weekends. If...
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Posted on June 6, 2018 in
What Rights Do You Have When You Get Pulled Over? Having a cop car pull you over is stressful, but you shouldn’t have to worry about an officer unlawfully searching your vehicle. The Fourth Amendment protects against unlawful search and seizure, which means that any arbitrary car searches conducted without a warrant are illegal....
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Posted on June 6, 2018 in
Though the process may take some time, it is possible for a spouse or future spouse to receive a green card and eventually live in the United States permanently. People must meet certain criteria to get a green card through marriage. For more information, contact a Houston green card lawyer. For foreign citizens married...
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Posted on June 6, 2018 in
How do I Know if I've Been Indicted? Can The Charges Be Dropped? In Texas, an indictment is a formal charging instrument. Texas courts use indictments to inform a defendant of what criminal behavior the court is accusing them of. Indictments share features with, but are distinct from, an information, which is the charging...
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