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Can You Get Deported For a DWI in Texas?

If Texas lawmakers are strict about two things, it’s immigration laws and driving while intoxicated (DWI). It may surprise you to learn that a connection exists between DWI and deportation or immigration status in the state of Texas. It’s imperative to discuss your case with a dwi defense attorney immediately after a DWI charge...
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How a DWI Can Affect Gun Ownership in Texas

Texas is notorious for its strict driving under the influence (DUI) and driving while intoxicated (DWI) laws. State lawmakers take drunk and drugged driving very seriously, punishing offenders to the fullest extent of the law. Getting a DWI in Texas can mean thousands of dollars in fines, a jail sentence, and driver’s license suspension....
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How to Get Your Criminal Records Sealed in Texas

Posted on April 30, 2018 in
If you are a Texas resident looking to erase your criminal record, you need the help of a local Houston expungement attorney who understands both state and federal laws regarding sealing criminal records. Everyone makes mistakes. Unfortunately, some mistakes have higher consequences than others, leading to arrests, charges, and convictions. Talk to the criminal...
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Online Impersonation Laws in Texas

Posted on March 15, 2018 in
Texas takes online impersonation seriously. No matter the circumstances of your offense, arrest, and charge, talk to an attorney about your case. Getting a misdemeanor for online impersonation can stay on your record, resulting in jail time and haunting you down the road. A felony has even deeper implications, making it difficult to find...
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What to Do If Your Arrested for a DUI in Houston

Posted on March 5, 2018 in
The first call you make after a DWI arrest in Houston should be to an experienced attorney. Texas is notorious for its strict alcohol and drug laws. Zero-tolerance policies, severe penalties, and lifelong ramifications for driving while intoxicated (DWI) serve to discourage motorists from drinking and driving. Law officers are stringent in enforcing Texas’...
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