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Can a Person Sue for Being Falsely Accused?

Posted on March 20, 2017 in
Unfortunately, some people are falsely accused of crimes they did not commit. In some cases, this can progress into false imprisonment or other unjust penalties. More often than not, the accused will be more concerned with the damage done to his or her reputation. In the legal world, “defamation” refers to any type of...
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What to Do When A Loved One is Facing Deportation

Posted on March 10, 2017 in
President Trump has been very clear on his stance against illegal immigration. Officials have already increased deportation activity. Many expect more raids targeting undocumented immigrants with criminal records to follow soon. Presumably, the new President means for his deportation activity to encourage legal naturalization among immigrants, reduce the strain undocumented immigration places on American taxpayers,...
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App Provides Warning of Immigration Raids

Posted on March 7, 2017 in
Newly elected President Trump made several promises during his campaign to crack down on illegal immigration. This is a multifaceted endeavor, including hiring over 10,000 more immigration police officers, toughening immigration requirements, constructing a Southern border wall between the United States and Mexico, and placing flight restrictions from countries whose governments have ties or...
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Can You Legally Drive After One Beer?

Posted on October 17, 2016 in
Driving while intoxicated (DWI) is a major offense in every state. In Texas, DWI is punishable with jail time, fees, license suspension, and potentially an ignition interlock device installed on your vehicle. Experts say that even one drink can impair a driver. So is one beer enough to convict a driver of DWI? The...
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The 10 Most Absurd Laws in Texas

Posted on October 17, 2016 in
The Lone Star State is famous for more than just its friendly residents and affinity for barbecue. Texas is also home to some of the strangest laws in America. Many have become outdated and absurd for the modern Texan, yet they’re still active and enforceable. If you aren’t careful, you may find yourself convicted...
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