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Bond Hearings in Immigration Court

Posted on August 21, 2023 in
In Texas, bond hearings can be requested by individuals being detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).  A bond hearing must be requested to start this process. Following the steps that lead back to your family can be challenging and frightening. Below, we share what a bond hearing consists of so you understand what...
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Should I Hire an Expert Witness for My Criminal Case?

Posted on August 7, 2023 in
When a solid defense is required in a criminal case in Houston, jurors rely on the evidence and eyewitness testimony to make life-changing decisions. Witnesses will share their accounts of an event, informing jurors about what they experienced, and their testimony can be entered as evidence.  You may have been charged with a crime...
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Spousal and Date Rape Laws in Texas

Posted on July 24, 2023 in
Texas laws present strict penalties against rape. Date rape and spousal rape are no exception. Rape takes place when a victim does not consent to or is coerced into engaging in the sex act. The same penalties apply in Texas whether the rapist knows their victims or not.  Victims of rape are people who...
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Revenge Porn in Texas: What Are the Consequences?

When a person, usually a former sexual partner, shares explicit images without their permission or consent in an effort to embarrass, humiliate or distress another person, that person could be in trouble in the state of Texas. The individual sharing those images has committed an act of revenge porn, and Texas takes that seriously. ...
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What is a Plea Bargain in a DWI Case?

Posted on June 26, 2023 in
It is essential to understand your options if you have been charged with a DUI in Texas. Each case is unique and requires a Houston DUI attorney focused on your situation. A plea bargain may be an option offered to you, so understanding this alternative will play a part in informed decision-making. What is...
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