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Can a Drug Dog Provide Probable Cause in Texas?

Posted on June 6, 2023 in
Most people living or frequently traveling through Texas are familiar with the use of drug dogs at airports and border checkpoints. The use of drug dogs often comes under fire, making their service questionable in establishing probable cause. If you or someone you know has been accused of a drug crime in Texas, let...
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Fraudulent Transfer of a Motor Vehicle

Posted on May 17, 2023 in
When a vehicle is transferred to another person intending to commit fraud or harm the vehicle’s owner, in Texas, this is a crime. It is referred to as the fraudulent transfer of a motor vehicle, and you could be arrested if charged with this crime. If you have been accused of a fraudulent transfer...
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Deadly Conduct Law in Texas

Posted on May 2, 2023 in
If you or a loved one has been charged with deadly conduct in Texas, you should immediately contact our Houston criminal defense attorney to represent you against this broad charge. Hiring a criminal defense attorney with experience, knowledge, and understanding of deadly contact offenses is the best way to protect your rights and ensure...
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What is Included in the Confrontation Clause?

Posted on April 24, 2023 in
The United States Constitution’s Sixth Amendment guarantees that the defendant in a criminal trial may confront witnesses that are testifying against them. Not only does it allow for the confrontation of witnesses, but this includes the opportunity to cross-examine them. This allows for the defendant’s legal team to question witnesses in court and challenge...
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Your Guide to Prescription Drug Crimes in Texas

As prescription drugs are repeatedly used for non-medical purposes in the United States, Texas lawmakers, and law enforcement services strive to control the issue. The state of Texas has various laws in place to halt the use of prescription drugs.  If you have been charged with a prescription drug crime here in Texas, it...
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