Posted on April 24, 2023 in
The United States Constitution’s Sixth Amendment guarantees that the defendant in a criminal trial may confront witnesses that are testifying against them. Not only does it allow for the confrontation of witnesses, but this includes the opportunity to cross-examine them. This allows for the defendant’s legal team to question witnesses in court and challenge...
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Posted on November 16, 2022 in
Texas law takes sexual assault very seriously. You are undoubtedly trying to avoid incarceration if you have been charged with sexual assault. The time to act is now. A Harris County criminal defense attorney can prepare you for the best action. Best Case Scenario for a Harris County, Texas Sexual Assault Charge The goal...
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Posted on May 12, 2022 in
Yes, Lolicon—animated renderings of kids engaged in sex—is illegal in the United States, just like all other forms of child porn. Making, possessing, and/or distributing child pornography is against state and federal laws. All photographs and videos of children engaged in sexual activity, even simulated activity, are classified as child porn. Because of this,...
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Posted on February 4, 2022 in
An indictment is a formal criminal accusation made against an individual who has allegedly committed a crime. An indictment is made based upon available evidence, but they are not required for every crime. On a federal level, indictments are only required for felonies that will be heard by a federal court. At a state...
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Posted on December 2, 2021 in
Over the last few decades, most people's lives have become completely ingrained and intertwined with the Internet. Now that most individuals have what equates to miniature computers in their pockets in the form of a phone, more and more individuals rely on Internet searches to go about their daily lives. However, it is important...
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