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Online Impersonation Laws in Texas

Posted on March 15, 2018 in
Texas takes online impersonation seriously. No matter the circumstances of your offense, arrest, and charge, talk to an attorney about your case. Getting a misdemeanor for online impersonation can stay on your record, resulting in jail time and haunting you down the road. A felony has even deeper implications, making it difficult to find...
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7 Mistakes to Avoid in a Houston Criminal Case

When the police accuse someone of a crime, it is common for the person to feel the need to defend him/herself immediately. Unfortunately, this feeling of urgency can cause the individual to make mistakes that do more harm than good to the case. In many situations, people who attempt to clear their names accidentally...
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How Social Media Can Hurt Your Defense in a Criminal Case

Posted on January 22, 2018 in
When facing an arrest and criminal charges in Texas, you might feel the urge to vent about your situation on your favorite social media channels. After all, your followers are your friends and family, and posting about it couldn’t hurt, right? Wrong. Publishing a post about your recent arrest on Facebook or Instagram in...
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Is Possession of THC Wax a Felony in Texas?

Posted on January 15, 2018 in
Unlike several other states, Texas has stayed stalwart in its strict no-marijuana laws. THC wax is no exception. In fact, the law punishes possession of THC even more harshly than standard marijuana. Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, is the active ingredient in marijuana. It is the primary chemical responsible for producing the euphoric feeling, or “high,”...
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What Happens When a Case is Dropped or Dismissed?

Posted on November 17, 2017 in
Anyone arrested for a crime should retain a defense attorney as soon as possible, ideally before they face formal charges. When the police arrest a suspect they must “mirandize” the suspect, and grant a detained or arrested citizen certain other civil rights, which are important to understand, as they may play a part in...
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