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DWI 2nd: Conviction and Consequences

Posted on January 17, 2023 in
A first-offense driving while intoxicated (DWI) charge can leave someone in dire circumstances, yet a second DWI charge can leave someone with severe, lifelong consequences that affect entire groups of friends and families. To address these concerns with a competent team of passionate individuals, read on and reach out to a Houston DWI defense...
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The Intoxilyzer 9000 and Its Flaws

Posted on January 7, 2023 in
The Intoxilyzer 9000 has come under recent criticism following the uncovering of inaccuracies in its alcohol testing results. The subsequent outcome has been the wrongful revoking of the rights of everyday individuals who are not culpable of driving under the influence of alcohol or other controlled substances. Reach out to a Houston DWI attorney...
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Can I Get a DUI Expunged in Texas?

Posted on September 3, 2022 in
A DWI charge in Texas can leave someone with a multitude of issues for a considerable amount of time. Often, those struggling with the impacts of a DWI seek expungements to alleviate the negative effects the charge has on employment, transportation, and more. Call a DWI expungement attorney in Houston today from the Law Office...
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What To Know About a First Time DWI Offense in Texas

Posted on August 17, 2022 in
DWIs are extremely serious charges that are given across the state of Texas every day. With a growing number of people hitting the road while intoxicated, the safety of communities may be put in jeopardy. In any case, some claim innocence or seek lighter penalties depending on their circumstances. False accusations and errors in...
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Can You Get Arrested For Underage Drinking in Texas?

Underage drinking is quite common across the country. Contrary to the preconceptions of some folk, this practice is quite widespread among many young Americans, albeit less commonly charged by state prosecutors. If you were someone you know is concerned with an underage drinking charge and would like to better understand what information is false...
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