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Spousal and Date Rape Laws in Texas

Posted on July 24, 2023 in

Texas laws present strict penalties against rape. Date rape and spousal rape are no exception. Rape takes place when a victim does not consent to or is coerced into engaging in the sex act. The same penalties apply in Texas whether the rapist knows their victims or not. 

Victims of rape are people who did not or could not consent, meaning if they are drunk, on drugs, or unconscious, they could not consent to participate in a sex act, making it a violation if one occurs. Consent is required for all, dates and spouses included. Children under 17 are not considered mature enough to offer consent under any circumstances. 

Spousal Rape

Though all rape is criminal, spousal and date rape are defined differently. Spousal rape, also known as marital rape, happens when a member of a married couple is forced into having nonconsensual sex. Their rapist spouse can be charged with rape as well as other sexual assault charges.

Not only does the victim have the right to file criminal charges, but they can also pursue civil charges. The spouse accused of rape is typically charged with sexual assault or aggravated sexual assault. 

Texas Penal Code 22.011

Texas Penal Code 22.011 deals with sexual assault, and the prosecutor may choose to apply it to the case if they have evidence that shows that the spouse accused of rape knew and  purposefully forced the following acts on their spouse: 

  • If they penetrated their spouse’s anus or sexual organ without their husband or wife’s permission
  • If they penetrated their husband or wife’s mouth with a sexual organ against their will
  • If they penetrated their spouse’s sexual organ or if there was contact with their spouse’s mouth, sexual organ, or anus. 
  • If the spouse was made to participate in sexual activities involving other parties

Texas Penal Code 22.021

Texas defines aggravated sexual assault as an assault that leaves the victim with serious physical injuries or an attempt to end their life by their spouse. It is outlined in Texas Penal Code 22.021. The following acts are considered aggravated sexual assault

  • It is considered aggravated sexual assault if the husband or wife fears for their life, kidnapping, or bodily harm. 
  • Using at least one deadly weapon, possibly more, can constitute aggravated sexual assault. 
  • If the spouse threatens to murder, harm, or kidnap someone, it is considered aggravated sexual assault. 
  • If date rape drugs are involved, one or multiple drugs, in committing the rape, it is elevated to aggravated sexual assault. 
  • If the husband or wife is over 65, younger than 14, or they are disabled, the charge of aggravated sexual assault is warranted.

Spousal, or marital rape, does not only apply to current spouses. If a person’s ex or their long-term partner forces, threatens or incapacitates their victim, they can be charged with spousal rape.

Date Rape

In Texas, there is not a date rape crime on the books. A “date rape” is prosecuted as a rape. Date rape happens when a rapist, a person the victim knows, forces themselves onto them without the victim’s consent. There does not have to be an actual date. It should be reframed as being raped by someone who is familiar.

Just because a partner did not say no, does not mean they said yes. Unless the person the perpetrator is having sex with clearly consented, they should not assume their partner wanted the act to take place. This is especially true if the victim was mentally as well as physically able to consent.

Drugs, Alcohol, and Consent

If a person is drunk or high, they cannot consent to sex. Period. This includes not only a few cocktails but other drugs. A few of the common drugs cited in date rape situations are as follows: 

If the victim ingested any of these drugs or if alcohol is found in their bloodwork, Texas law rules that they were not in any shape to provide consent. A person who has impaired judgment cannot provide enthusiastic consent. The use of chemicals can muddy the waters about whether a rape was committed or not, so if a person is under the influence, it is best to opt out of sex.

Consequences for Spousal Rape or Date Rape 

No means no, no matter how familiar the person attempting to have sex with another person is. Whether they are a long-term partner, a spouse, a first date or a hundredth date, a co-worker, a neighbor, or a complete stranger, if they did not offer a yes, then a no should be assumed. There must be a “yes” present to assume the person is a willing sex partner. 

Texas law outlines these penalties for those found guilty of rape: 

  • Second-degree felony: Two to ten years in prison with an accompanying fine of up to $10,000. The perpetrator must then register as a sex offender for whatever length of time is determined by the judge when their sentence is handed down.
  • First-degree felony: Five years to life in prison with fines of up to $10,000. The sex offender may then have to appear on the registry for life. 

Contact Us Today

Your life can be upended if you are accused of date or marital rape. Reach out to our Houston rape defense attorneys today, and we will review your case and outline a plan to defend you against the charges. Texas is very serious about putting an end to sex crimes, and date rape and spousal rape are no different. 

The team at The Law Office of David A. Breston, Criminal Defense Attorney is ready to help you. We have experience fending off criminal charges and will do our best to minimize the charges against you. Do not delay in reaching out. 

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